Thoroughly Modern Millie 2015
2023-2024 Production Season
Mamma Mia!
Twelfth Night
Or What You Will
2022-2023 Production Season
Directed & choreographed by Michelle Petrucci
music direction by Marcus Davis & Charles Swan
Photo Credit:
Lexi Critchett, Alessandra Lasanta, Jonathan Gilbert
2021-2022 Production Season
Pride and Prejudice
Directed by
Savannah Whetsell
Photo Credit: Lexi Critchett
2020-2021 Production Season
VIRTUAL 21 Chump Street
Directed by Kristina Leljedal
Music Direction: Andrew Gilbert
We Make the Future
A Devised Virtual Production
Directed by T. Chester
She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms
Directed by Savannah Whetsell
The World Goes 'Round
Directed by Michelle Petrucci
Music Direction by Dominic Raffa
2019-2020 Production Season
Crazy For You
Directed and Choreographed by: Michelle Petrucci
Music Direction: Andrew Gilbert
Photography: Capehart Photography and ​Adam Goldstick
Much Ado About Nothing
Directed by Savannah Whetsell
Radium Girls
Directed by Kristina Leljedal
2018-2019 Production Season
Directed and Choreographed by
​Michelle Petrucci
​MD: Andrew Gilbert
Curious Incident of the
​Dog in the Night-time
Directed by Brad Barfield
Waiting For Lefty
Directed by Brad Barfield and Maggie Marlin-Hess
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Directed by Maggie Marlin-Hess
MD: Andrew Gilbert
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2017-2018 Production Season
Kiss Me, Kate
Directed and Choreographed by
​Michelle Petrucci
MD: Andrew Gilbert
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The Caucasian Chalk Circle
Directed by Maggie Marlin-Hess
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2016-2017 Production Season
The Addams Family
Directed by Michael Larsen
Choreographed by Michelle Petrucci
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Moon Over Buffalo
Directed by Brad Barfield
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2015-2016 Production Season
Shrek: the Musical
​Directed and Choreographed by
​Michelle Petrucci
​MD: Dominic Raffa
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2013-2014 Production Season
Legally Blonde
​Directed and Choreographed by
​Michelle Petrucci
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2014-2015 Production Season
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Directed by Brittany Smoliak
Choreographed by Michelle Petrucci
MD: Paul Reekie
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